- .ASIA pre-registrations now available
We are very glad to announce the opening for pre-registrations of the new TLD. Starting today, you
can enter your desired domains either through the web interface under "Domains > Domain Application > Add Domain Application" or the
AddDomainApplication API command using the special .ASIA extensions. Find further information on
this in this email and in our API manual which you can download from your account.
At this point in time and due to still oustanding final information by the registry, we are not
able to provide you with an appendix for .ASIA. Accordingly, when entering your pre-registration
you do not have to activate a respective appendix yet. Therefore, please note that pre-
registrations are without obligation. We will update you on this and provide you with an appendix
as soon as possible.
Unlike with other TLD launches, .ASIA does not follow the "first come, first served" principle.
Instead, during all different sunrise phases, domain name applications are considered as having
been received by the registry at the same time. This significantly reduces the time pressure in
comparison to a first come - first serve model. Due to this model you do not need to place
multiple applications for the same name at different registrars or with different accounts.
A domain name with only one qualified application will be allocated to the applicant. For domain
names with more than one qualified applications, an auction will be held. The auction partner for
DotAsia is pool.com, offering a high level of experience and transparency for bidders.
As other TLDs too, .ASIA requires a local presence, the so called "CED (Charter Elegibility
Declaration) contact". For all registrants who are not an existing and current legal entity in the
DotAsia community, we will provide a "trustee solution".
We will announce further details to our .ASIA trustee togehter with the upcoming appendix.
All policies can be found at http://www.registry.asia.
------------------------------ - .ASIA general API extensions
With each .ASIA registration, the following extensions must be submitted:
X-ASIA-MAINTAINERURL =(max. 255 chars)
This field is OPTIONAL. If you want to utilize this field, it can contain the URL and/or name of
the party responsible for maintaining the domain. The maintainer is defined by ICANN as "a person
that has been designated by the Registrar for the registration of the domain (for example a
reseller, could also depend on the registrant)."
This field is OPTIONAL. The .ASIA Registry allows for resellers of accredited registrars to be
named directly with a .ASIA domain via the Registration Agent Contact. Unlike the maintainer URL
field, this field refers a contact object that includes full contact information of the
Registration Agent.
An Operations and Notifications Contact (OPN/NOTF Contact) is submitted to designate the point of
contact to whom documentary evidence requests, auction invitations, and reminders are to be sent.
If no OPN Contact is nominated by the registrant, the Sponsoring Registrar should be designated as
the point of contact.
Notifications and communications regarding documentary evidence for an application will be sent
to both the OPN Contact and the Sponsoring Registrar. Updates to the OPN Contact will not be
permitted during Sunrise.
The Registry does not guarantee that any changes to OPN Contact will be effected in the
notification system immediately. The sponsoring registrar is responsible to inform those
applicants who updated their OPN Contact that theymust continue to accept and expect notifications
being sent to their previous OPN Contact for a reasonable period of time after the submission of
the changes.
Charter Eligibility Declaration (CED) Contact
In order to be eligible for a .ASIA domain, at least one of the Domain Contacts associated with
the Domain Name must be an existing and current legal entity in the DotAsia Community. The
Charter Eligibility Declaration Policy can be viewed here.
The DotAsia Community is defined based on the geographical boundaries described by the ICANN
Asia / Australia / Pacific region: link
The .ASIA CED contact extensions are as follows:
X-ASIA-CED-CONTACT = registrant | admin | tech | billing
X-ASIA-CED-LOCALITYSP = [TEXT] (max. 255 chars)
X-ASIA-CED-LOCALITYCITY = [TEXT] (max. 255 chars)
X-ASIA-CED-LEGALENTITYTYPE = naturalPerson | corporation | cooperative | partnership |
government | politicalParty | society | institution | other
X-ASIA-CED-IDENTFORM = passport | certificate | legislation | societyRegistry |
politicalPartyRegistry | other
X-ASIA-CED-IDENTNUMBER = [TEXT] (max. 255 chars)
X-ASIA-CED-OTHERLETYPE = [TEXT] (max. 255 chars)
Information submitted for the CED Contact, except where privacy considerations for personal data
dictates (e.g. passport number), will be included in publicly accessible WHOIS databases to allow
for public inspection of applicants' eligibility. Registered Domain Holders who are found to have
provided false or misleading information will have their domain registration cancelled.
Either Registrant, Admin, Tech, or Billing Contact must be extended into a CED Contact. Updates
to the CED Contact will not be permitted during Sunrise.
- .ASIA Sunrise / Landrush API extensions
All Sunrise Applications require Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Data to be submitted with each
domain name application. It is important to note that after an application is successfully
submitted, IPR data may NOT be modified.
You can view the Sunrise Policies here.
The following extensions are for Sunrise / Landrush only:
X-ASIA-IPR-NAME = [TEXT] (max. 128 chars)
X-ASIA-IPR-NUMBER = [TEXT] (max. 128 chars)
X-ASIA-IPR-ENTITLEMENT = owner | co-owner | assignee
X-ASIA-IPR-FORM = corporation | cooperative | partnership | government | politicalParty | society |
institution | other
X-ASIA-IPR-CLASS = [TEXT] (max. 128 chars)
X-ASIA-IPR-PREVERIFIED = [TEXT] (max. 25 chars)
- .ASIA prices
Our .ASIA prices for the Sunrise are as follows:
Non-refundable application fee: 80.00 USD
Yearly registration fee: 14.50 USD
Yearly trustee fee: 10 USD
Pre-registrations will not be charged as long as they are without obligation. By the time we have
the appendix ready, we will also provide you with all necessary payment information.
Please note:
.ASIA domains will initially only be able to be registered with a two years term. In case of an
auction, a respective, additional auction fee will apply to the registrant.
------------------- - Dates to remember
There will be 3 phases: Sunrise, Landrush and Go Live.
Oct 9, 2007: Sunrise 2a
Nov 13, 2007: Sunrise 2b, 2c & Sunrise 3
February 2008: Landrush (planned)
March 2008: Go Live (planned)